"The God who made the world and everything in it, he who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by human hands, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mortals life and breath and all things. " ~Acts 17:24-25
Paul journeys to Athens and finds a very religious community. They have shrines to gods of every size, shape and culture. They even have a shrine to an unknown God in order to cover their bases. We too create shrines to gods: we worship the god of wealth at the shrines of banks, investments and dollar bills. We worship celebrities as gods at the fame and prestige, we worship power at the shrines of economic and politic might and we worship America at the shrine of the flag. There is only one God. "The God who made the world and everything in it" and God's shrine is not made by human hands, but lives in all of creation and within each one of us. This Memorial Day, may we give thanks for those who have lost their lives in the wars for peace and may we worship not the countries they fought for, but the God who walked with them into battle, held them in their final moments and welcomed them to a heavenly banquet to be reconciled with those who were their enemies.
~Pastor Eric
Paul journeys to Athens and finds a very religious community. They have shrines to gods of every size, shape and culture. They even have a shrine to an unknown God in order to cover their bases. We too create shrines to gods: we worship the god of wealth at the shrines of banks, investments and dollar bills. We worship celebrities as gods at the fame and prestige, we worship power at the shrines of economic and politic might and we worship America at the shrine of the flag. There is only one God. "The God who made the world and everything in it" and God's shrine is not made by human hands, but lives in all of creation and within each one of us. This Memorial Day, may we give thanks for those who have lost their lives in the wars for peace and may we worship not the countries they fought for, but the God who walked with them into battle, held them in their final moments and welcomed them to a heavenly banquet to be reconciled with those who were their enemies.
~Pastor Eric