"When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit " ~Acts 2:1-4
A violent wind, a tongue of fire, a fount of living water, a dove descending on a newly baptized Christ, a guide and a comforter, these are just some of the descriptions we get of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is perhaps the most difficult part of God for us to wrap our mind around because it is by its very nature elusive. The Holy Spirit reminds us that no theology, no one part of scripture, not even one experience or rational argument can fully contain God. That holy nature of God, the unknownness can be disturbing, yet we can feel God's Holy Spirit at work in our lives. Creating and re-creating as it did in Genesis one over the face of the world, igniting within us the energy to proclaim the good news as it did on Pentecost, filling up with the promise of love and grace in baptism, sustaining us for the journey like a cup of living water. How is the Spirit moving in your life?
~Pastor Eric
A violent wind, a tongue of fire, a fount of living water, a dove descending on a newly baptized Christ, a guide and a comforter, these are just some of the descriptions we get of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is perhaps the most difficult part of God for us to wrap our mind around because it is by its very nature elusive. The Holy Spirit reminds us that no theology, no one part of scripture, not even one experience or rational argument can fully contain God. That holy nature of God, the unknownness can be disturbing, yet we can feel God's Holy Spirit at work in our lives. Creating and re-creating as it did in Genesis one over the face of the world, igniting within us the energy to proclaim the good news as it did on Pentecost, filling up with the promise of love and grace in baptism, sustaining us for the journey like a cup of living water. How is the Spirit moving in your life?
~Pastor Eric